Exam Policies
Grade Sheet

Exam Dates - exam dates on the syllabus are tentative but probably dates. The actual date will be modified depending upon the progress of the lecture sequence and, within reason, the study needs of the students.

Exam Filing - all exams after being graded will be handed back for review and then collected and filed as a record of student progress.

Exam Grades are not given over the internet. A student after having worked hard on a body of material and then being examined on it, is understandably eager to learn of their grade. The student can rest assured that I will do my best to have the exams ready to be handed back the next class period; but please do not email me for your grades.

Exam Makeups are to be avoided! If a makeup exam is needed, fill out a make-up petition form (see link at top of this page) and provide requested documentation. If a doctor’s note is submitted, then a makeup exam is permitted. If a doctor’s note is not submitted, a penalty is applied at the discretion of the instructor, and the instructor reserves the right to refuse the make up. If there is to be a make up, this task must be accomplished as soon as the student returns to school in good health, and within 5 school days. Lab practicals are very difficult to make up. Generally, if you miss a lab practical, this will be the exam grade to drop.